stone floor, and the dog moved over to it to sniff at
its spilled contents.
"I do not seek your approval, my dear Thora!!" he
roared, almost as if in challenge.
"Then you will not, most likely, receive it. My
lord." She spoke calmly and clearly, adding the last
almost in afterthought.
Outraged, he jumped to his feet and pounded his fist
on the table. "I most certainly will have that which
I have paid for loyalty and obedience!!" His
lower lip trembled
a-fury. She
continued to meet his gaze with her own for a few
moments more, then she bowed her head. "Your will is
my law, my lord." she said, keeping her eyes lowered.
"There is a time
and place for bravery and insolent disobedience, but this
is not it," she told herself.
Somewhat taken aback, and yet appeased by the same
token, Sieghard blinked, then sat back down, once
again brandishing a haughty air as if it were a
"Well and done, then," he said, dismissing
her with a wave. "See to your affairs. I'll speak
to you again in the morning, at Terce."
Thora got to her feet, bowed her head again, and
resisted the urge to curl her lip. "My lord." She
quickly exited the hall and made for her chambers,
holding her arms straight down at her sides, unaware
that her hands had turned into tightly-clenched
snow-capped fists.
* * *