h, traveller... you've stumbled into our humble
library. Here, we've several scrolls, codices, and
volumes accumulated over the years. Some deal with
Imperial decrees, others are treatises that scholars
have contributed to academia from ages long past,
while some are simply fanciful accounts of their
exploits in the countryside. As with any library,
ours undoubtedly changes from year to year. Please
accept our invitation to browse our collection while
not adventuring.
Documentation from Microprose
Gather the sage wisdom of the old masters and
share your own adventures with others! Michel
has setup a mailing list for Darklands
which resides on Yahoo! Groups. Be sure to
sign up! It's free and easy!
Reviews of Darklands -
Read all about the best game no one's ever played
Reviewer extraordinaire,
Dimitriy A. Levin, has this to say in his review of Microprose's
"The game is very detailed. From the manual which
very well describes all entities you can meet, all
weapons (and there're quite a lot of them), all
chemical potions, and all saints, to the cities in
which city halls, inns, and churches have names which
are the same as in the real cities."
Without a doubt, Home of the Underdogs is THE best source
for abandonware games. While the legality of having
such files is shady, these guys' website is anything
but! They place Darklands in their Hall of Belated
Fame (where it belongs!). Check out what they had to say about
"One of the very best RPGs ever produced, and
definitely the BEST historical RPG ever, Darklands
was unfortunately plagued with a slew of bugs when it
was first released, many of which could critically
damage system files. The newest version (7.0)
corrects most of these bugs and makes the game what
it was supposed to be, but by then a lot of people
have already given up trying.... making this game the
first and only RPG from Microprose."
MobyGames is
a historical archive, documentation, and review
project for all electronic games (computer, console,
and arcade). They also happen to have a review of DL
with supplemental reviews by other users. Here's a
portion of the main review:
"The game has an epic scope, and can go on for as
long as you'd like it to. The main goal is to collect
as much fame for you and your party as possible,
because the more fame you havem the better quests
you'll receive, and the better the rewards. :)
Overall, an amazing, if overlooked, RPG that will
give the player literally years of enjoyment."
Guilds' Whisperings -
Tidings from beyond the borders of the Empire
Stories - Tales inspired
by Darklands adventuring!
Sacrifices (Diebin Am Nacht) - Timothy
"Timeras" Parker submits this short story for your
enjoyment! It's loosely based on characters from
the Darklands world. Note: For systems that can use
TrueType fonts, the author recommends using "
Black Chancery" for best viewing.
Ebhard's Guide to Adventure by the
one, the only, the legendary Ebhard of Achdorf
(circa XVc.), as translated by Arnold Hendrick
Historical Background -
Some recommended reading for those who want to learn
more about medieval life
Hussite Rebellion
Holy Roman Empire
Knights Templar
Oddly enough, one can find information on the
Knights Templar on TemplarHistory.com. This site is quite
extensive and features many essays dealing with
several aspects of this infamous band.
Wild Hunt
The Witching Hours contains
some information on historical witchcraft and has a
little blurb on the Wild Hunt.
Here, on The Outlands, we find some more
information on the Wild Hunt. Careful, though...I
noticed some AD&D stats (eww) toward the bottom
of the page. Try to ignore them.
The Dark Side of Halloween -
Here's a site that discusses the origins of
halloween, witch cults, and sabbats. This is an
essay by a Christian, Pastor David L. Brown. It is
openly biased, and makes no pretense of balancing
neo-pagan or secular points of view. Thanks to
Kneem for the link!
The Malleus Maleficarum of
Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger - One of the
many books used by the design team in creating
Darklands. This book is actually a 20th century
translation of a codex written back in the 1400's.
This book was used as a HOW-TO by the Church for
finding witches and dealing with them.
MSN Encarta has an article about witchcraft.
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MicroProse, MPS Labs, and Darklands are copyright © 1991-1995 MicroProse, Inc.
Microprose and Hasbro Interactive are properties of Infogrames, Inc. © 2001-2002, All rights reserved.
Infogrames, Inc. and Infogrames Interactive are subsidiaries of Infogrames Entertainment S.A
Unless otherwise noted: site content © 1998-2002 Matt Wirkkala;
"New" site design © 2001-2002 Myles Q. Martinez and 2000-2002 Savcho Savchev.
"Darklands Domain" and "Darklands.NET" © 1998-2002 Matt Wirkkala
Darklands FAQ © 1995-2002 C. Michel Boucher, Fred Farzanegan, Dennis Ahr, and Alex von Lünen.
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